

Vibora has a special class called "Field" to represent each field of a schema. You can build any kind of validation rules using this class but to avoid repeat yourself there a few builtin ones. There are a few must-know attributes of this class:

1) required -> By default all declared fields in a schema are required which means they must be present in the validation values. If you have optional fields you must explicitely declare this as Field(required=False)

2) load_from -> Sometimes is useful to deal with friendly names inside a schema but to ofuscate them outside outside your app, by using the load_from parameter you can specify where to load this field from or even load two different fields from the same key.

3) default -> A default value in case the key is missing or the value is null.

4) validators -> A list of functions to validate the current value against. This functions can be async or sync and receive one up to two parameters. In case it receives a single parameter then Vibora will pass only the current value to it. In case it receive two parameters the context of the schema will be also provided. The exception ValidationError must be raised to notify the schema that this field is invalid, returning values are ignored.


Validates if the given value is a valid string.

import uuid
from vibora.schemas import Schema, fields
from vibora.schemas.validators import Length

class NewUserSchema(Schema):

    name: str = fields.String(
        validators=[Length(min=3, max=30)],
        default=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()),

There is a special attribute called strict to allow this field to cast integers and similar types to a string instead of raising an error.

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